A Letter from the Owners of Gay Chapel of Las Vegas
As proprietors of the only gay-owned wedding chapel in Las Vegas, we have always believed in marriage. Strong marriages are the framework of the supportive backgrounds we each come from. We were both nurtured throughout our lives by parents who cherished each other and believed in long-term loving commitment—relationships that last a lifetime. Ron’s parents have been happily married for 57 years. You’ll see both of them helping around the chapel. Ron’s mom, Dee, cheerfully answers phones and helps customers plan their weddings. (You may be lucky enough to speak with her when you book your ceremony with us.) Jamie’s folks were married for 48 years before the sad loss of Jamie’s beloved mother a few years ago. Marriage is an important part of who we are and what we do. And happy marriages are a big part of the reason we love arranging unforgettable weddings here in Las Vegas.
When we opened our business, we were the first chapel to proudly offer ALL of our wedding packages as commitment ceremonies for any two persons who wished to bind their lives together in love. We hoped that one day—in the spirit of our nation’s promise of equality for all—we would be able to perform legal weddings for any two persons who loved each and wanted to spend the rest of their lives as one. Today, since same-sex marriage is now legal in Nevada, we are delighted to be able to legally marry any couple that walks through our doors with a marriage license.
Our wedding chapel has always stood head and shoulders above every other chapel when it comes to serving the LGBT community. As we see it, it’s not just another demographic to expand our business model to. We actually believe in what we’re doing and can relate to every couple entering our chapel. We have always welcomed every couple, including those that we believe should never have been denied the right to marry in the first place. We’ve always been there for you.
Today we hope that every couple that can finally tie the knot will grace us with the opportunity to share their love legally with the world. We promise not only to help you have a magnificent day, but to unequivocally make a statement to the world that LGBT couples are no different from any other loving couple. This is an exciting time here in Nevada, and we speak for our entire staff when we say, “You will never feel more welcome at any other wedding chapel than at Gay Chapel of Las Vegas.”
Sincerest best wishes for a lifetime of happiness ahead,
Ron Decar and Jamie Richards